Board of Directors

Ann-Charlotte Rosendahl

Chairman of the Board

Ann-Charlotte Rosendahl, born in 1963, is a board member of Toleranzia since 2020. Rosendahl, an MBA graduate, has over 20 years of experience in the development, commercialization and launch of drugs on the international stage. She has held senior positions withinin MSD, AstraZeneca and Roche, and has lived and worked in the United States and Switzerland for a number of years. She also has experience of strategic and operational work in biotech, as well as business development and board work. Holdings as of June 28, 2024: 87 520 shares (personal ownership).

Thomas Eldered

Board member

Thomas Eldered, born in 1960, is a board member of Toleranzia since 2021. Eldered holds a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering and is co-founder of Recipharm AB, where he served as CEO from 2008 to 2021. He is currently chairman of the board of Amarna Therapeutics BV and Prokarium Ltd, and a member of the Board of Buzzard Pharmaceuticals AB, Chromafora AB, Flerie Invest AB, Flerie Participation AB, Kahr Medical Ltd, Nanologica AB, Provell Pharmaceutical LLC, Recipharm AB and Sixera Pharma AB, among others. Holdings as of June 28, 2024: 114 401 382 shares (via related party).

Maarten Kraan

Board member

Maarten Kraan, born in 1961, is a board member of Toleranzia since 2018. Kraan, MD, PhD, is educated as clinical immunologist and rheumatologist and has conducted many clinical trials with many successful drugs. Kraan began in the pharmaceutical industry in 2003 and has worked in several companies such as Schering-Plow, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Roche-Genentech and AstraZeneca. He has had different positions in research, clinical development and medical affairs. He has published a series of articles on translational medicine and is adjunct professor of rheumatology at the Sahlgrenska Academy of Gothenburg University. Holdings as of June 28, 2024: 407 142 shares (personal ownership).

Eva Lindgren

Board member

Eva Lindgren, born in 1950, is a board member of Toleranzia since 2018. Lindgren, an MBA graduate, has 40 years of experience from AstraZeneca through senior positions, including responsibility for two pharmaceutical projects that led to market, but also in business management, international marketing and public-private partnership between pharmaceutical companies and the European Commission. Board member of the Kulturtubskoncernen, AB Gypius, and RolfAllan Design AB. Holdings as of June 28, 2024: 61 736 shares (personal ownership).

Jan Mattsson

Board member

Jan Mattsson, born in 1964, is a board member of Toleranzia since 2020. Mattsson, PhD, has more than 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Jan is one of the founders of Albireo Pharma, an American NASDAQ listed company focused on orphan liver diseases. Jan was Chief Scientific Officer and CEO of the Swedish companies. The company was sold to Ipsen in 2023. Before he started Albireo in 2008, he held various leading positions in research and development at AstraZeneca. Jan has experience of research & development during all phases of drug development in a number of therapy areas but also in international business & corporate development. Holdings as of June 28, 2024: 20 644 shares (personal ownership).

Kristian Sandberg

Board member

Kristian Sandberg, born in 1961, is a board member of Toleranzia since 2017. Sandberg is an associate arofessor in immunology and an experienced leader in the pharmaceutical industry's research and development. Sandberg has been working at AstraZeneca for over 20 years in various functions, primarily with project management. He has experience in the development of both protein and conventional small molecule based drugs from concept to clinical Phase II studies, both in the field of neuroscience therapy and respiratory, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Sandberg is also active as a researcher at Karolinska Institutet and has had various assignments within the Foundation for Strategic Research. Since 2015, Sandberg is running the business at SciLifeLab's pharmaceutical platform at Uppsala University, whose mission is to support pharmaceutical research in Sweden. Holdings as of June 28, 2024: 232 142 shares (personal ownership).