Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting in Toleranzia AB (publ) on 16 September 2021
16 September - 2021
The extra general meeting in Toleranzia AB (publ), reg. no. 556877-2866 (”Toleranzia” or ”the Company”), was held today on 16 September 2021. Due to the extraordinary situation following the COVID-19 pandemic, the extraordinary general meeting was carried out through postal voting only, without any physical attendance. The general meeting resolved, with the required majority, in accordance with the following:
Resolution on directed share issue
The general meeting resolved to approve the board of director’s proposal to carry out a share issue of up to 31,818,183 shares with deviation from the shareholders preferential rights and at a subscription price of SEK 1.32. The right to subscribe for new shares in the share issue is vested in Flerie Invest AB and Nordic Tender Aktiebolag, a company wholly owned by Lars Molinder. Provided that the share issue is fully subscribed, the Company will receive approximately SEK 42 million.
Election of new board member
The general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of director’s proposal, that the board of directors shall compose of eight (8) ordinary board members and one (1) deputy board member and that Thomas Eldered is elected as a new ordinary board member.
The board of directors thereby has the following composition: Anders Milton (chairman), Thomas Eldered, Maarten Kraan, Eva Lindgren, Jan Mattsson, Ann-Charlotte Rosendahl, Kristian Sandberg, Anders Waas and Klementina Österberg (deputy board member).
For further information, please contact:
Charlotte Fribert – CEO, Toleranzia
Telephone: +46 763 19 98 98
Email: charlotte.fribert@toleranzia.com
About Toleranzia AB
Toleranzia AB (556877-2866) is a Swedish biotechnology company listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The company develops drugs that harness the power of the immune system for the treatment of autoimmune orphan diseases. The drugs, which target the cause of the disease, can alleviate or cure the disease and not, like current treatments, merely reduce the symptoms. They have the potential to be the first long-acting or curative therapies that act specifically on the underlying cause of the autoimmune orphan disease for which they are being developed. Toleranzia's shares are listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market and Mangold Fondkommission AB, 08-503 015 50, CA@mangold.se, is the company's Certified Adviser.